Creativity and the Body

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People generally assume that creativity is an activity of the brain, the mind. In my work with clients, workshop members, and my own experience I believe that conceptualization is too limiting. Yes, you could compose a piece of music, a novel, a painting using only your conscious “mind”—but would it be to your liking? Would it reach the heart of your audience and even yourself? Through the work I’ve done, I’ve realized that some of the deepest most creative work and performance comes from deep within the wisdom of the body. This can be explored through movement, mind/body visualization, and art itself, to name just a few. If we let the body’s wisdom speak to us through feeling, sensation, and imagery true creativity can flourish. I believe there is a call for us to create—that it is necessary for people to create, otherwise how do things change in individuals’ lives, communities, and the world at large? Our bodies respond at every moment with our environment —internal and external. Let your body create!